Please can anyone if a stock is sold 80% value is allowed to buy on same day is it still same as my broker has stopped CFS reason due to new allocation system which started from May 2, 2023
Please can anyone if a stock is sold 80% value is allowed to buy on same day is it still same as my broker has stopped CFS reason due to new allocation system which started from May 2, 2023
Yes. you will continue to receive the 80% credit on the same day at Zerodha.
Since we do EPI at regular intervals, this doesn’t affect us and we provide 80% of the sale proceeds instantly when the shares are sold, while remaining 20% of the balance will be available on the next day.
@Meher_Smaran can we use the 80% to buyback the same share…
Say I sell stock A from my holding for 100 INR, and Zerodha gives me back 80 INR instantly, can I use the 80 INR to buy the same stock or will this result in a peak margin ?
U can buy same Stock.