Condition for lastTradedPrice is above or below a certain value

I am writing a condition which will trigger if last trading price of Stock is less than or equal to 1000 OR greater than or equal to 2000, in a single line in advance triggers.

this is what i have written,

Here’s the trigger. Each separate condition has to have an operator and an attribute.

LastTradedPrice('NFO:HINDUNILVR18MAYFUT')<=1000 || LastTradedPrice('NFO:HINDUNILVR18MAYFUT')>=2000

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I am getting this error when trying to set an alert, if price goes below or above certain point.


Error validating rule: The condition is already met.


LastTradedPrice(‘NSE:GUFICBIO’)<=141 || LastTradedPrice(‘NSE:GUFICBIO’)>=150

Rahul, that’s because of the first part of the alert has already been met. The LTP of GUFICBIO was Rs 138.2 which satisfies first Or(||) condition.

Got it. Thanks.
