Even though, it is specific to Zerodha, it can be applied to any DP (stock broker).
I don’t have an account with Zerodha. However, from Easi to Easiest, the migration may take upto 2 business days. Only in rare cases, you have to print the registration form and then send it to the DP.
Since Jan 1, 2024, some changes were done by CDSL. I don’t know if using “Trusted Accounts” are still necessary as there are some additional measure while transferring. See…
I am sure about one thing. You can not transfer using Easi facility. Also, “Grouping” is totally different from “Trusted Accounts”. Grouping doesn’t permit transfers. “Trusted Accounts” (in Easiest) does.
I already logged in using Zerodha - my question is do I need to create another login using another broker BO details ? I already tried that and it says login exists.
I feel like I need to delete linked BOs or deregister to achieve what I want to. But again not sure.