Confusion related to CDSL EasiEasiest

Zerodha is my primary and oldest broker account.

After that I have opened two more brokers account 1. PayTMMoney and 2.Groww

When I started using easi I only had Zzerodha and I didn’t upgrade to Easiest as I didn’t need to and I was unaware about the purpose of that.

After that I linked two broker accounts using unit Miscellaneous - > Edit Grouping.

Now I need to move shares from PayTMMoney to Groww. But when I select PayTM as BO I cannot see all the necessary option I need to see.


I tried to create another Easiest registration with PayTM and it says login exists.

In the meanwhile I tried to upgrade Zerodha BO from Easi to Easiest and didnt put any trusted BO ID there. And it says pending.

I am not sure if I have messed up things a lot. But objectives are:

  1. Nothing to transfer to Zerodha neither anything from Zerodha.
  2. Transfer few shares from PayTM Money to Groww.

Please help me out.

Did you check out the following article?

Even though, it is specific to Zerodha, it can be applied to any DP (stock broker).

I don’t have an account with Zerodha. However, from Easi to Easiest, the migration may take upto 2 business days. Only in rare cases, you have to print the registration form and then send it to the DP.

Since Jan 1, 2024, some changes were done by CDSL. I don’t know if using “Trusted Accounts” are still necessary as there are some additional measure while transferring. See…

I am sure about one thing. You can not transfer using Easi facility. Also, “Grouping” is totally different from “Trusted Accounts”. Grouping doesn’t permit transfers. “Trusted Accounts” (in Easiest) does.

I already logged in using Zerodha - my question is do I need to create another login using another broker BO details ? I already tried that and it says login exists.

I feel like I need to delete linked BOs or deregister to achieve what I want to. But again not sure.

For each DP, you have to create a separate login credentials.

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Thanks a ton. Earlier I tried to register using same userid thats why it might say login exists.

With different username and trusted account(Groww) I registered for easiest for my PayTM account. Lets see how it goes.