Convert ChartLink Scanner to Streak Strategies

( {cash} ( [0] 2 hour volume > 1 day ago volume * 1 and market cap >= 2000 and latest “close - 1 candle ago close / 1 candle ago close * 100” >= 1 and latest open <= latest close ) )

@Streak can you.

Hi @shant

Kindly note that we have shared conditions as per the requirement based on our understanding:

Note: Streak does not support the fundamental aspects of the market. Hence the condition related to Market cap cannot be implemented.

Hope this helps.

Team can you please help me creating a strategy in streak for following chartink scanner

(( 1 day ago high > 2 days ago high and latest close < 1 day ago high and latest volume > 3 days ago volume and latest high < 1 day ago high ) )

Hi @_SH_42

We have shared the conditions as per your requirements based on our understanding.

Refer to the image below:

To learn more about condition creation and get a comprehensive understanding of the platform, refer to the link given below:

Hope this helps.

Thanks mate for prompt response, I was looking for this one, and apologies for late acknowledgement from my side. You have been a great help.