Data latency in Kite/PI, data Level in NSE, Market depth

Hi Friends,

Just have few queries

  1. I heard that Price shown in NSE website is around 1.5 minutes delay. how much delay does KITE/PI have?

  2. Zerodha Kite/PI takes Level 2 data feed from NSE?

  3. Tick by Tick > Level 3 > Level 2 > level 1?

  4. What Tick by Tick data feed has that Level 1 data does not have?

  5. How much speed difference between TickbyTick vs Level 1? or is the speed same but quality(i.e. amount of clarity) of data delivered is different?

  6. What does this mean “Level 2 provides market depth data upto best 5 bid and ask prices, Level 3 provides market depth data upto 20 best bid and ask prices.”. I am confused about market depth upto 5 bids/ask vs 20 bid/ask.

  7. Arbitrage​ with MIS possible in India?

Thank You!

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1. The charts that NSE shows may have a lag to it. Kite/PI are trading platforms, data on it as live as it gets. 

2. All trading platforms in India offer level 2 data, check this link. 

3. Level 3 gives market depth upto 20 best bid/asks whereas level 2 upto 5 bids/asks. The cost of such data is quite high, you will have to subscribe for this from a data vendor. Tick by tick data gives you every tick that happens on the exchange, whereas level 2/level 3 between 4 to 10 ticks a second maximum. But all these costs quite a bit more. 

4. Like mentioned above, tick by tick data gives you every single tick that happens on the exchange. Level 1 data just the best bid/ask and LTP. 

5. Speed technically is the same, it is just the amount of data that you get. Check this. 

6. On Kite/Pi or any platform, you see a market depth which shows you best 5 bids/offers. If you had level 3 data, you could see 20 bids/offers. 

7. Check this. 

Phew!! that felt like I was writing an exam.. ;)


@Nithin You passed in your exam with flying colors… :wink:

@Nithin what is best bids/offers? Is it like top 5 prices which most of traders agree on?

@Nithin: Thanks for taking time to answer this lengthy query.
Hopefully someone else might also find this information useful…

Yep, the top 5 prices that you see on market depth.

ok after looking at the market depth its more like “If more quantity fix at a particular price then it would be in the top of the list”. am I right?
When we use the word “Best” in market depth it confuses a lot for beginner :slight_smile: (For example I thought in “offers” side it would show the lowest price of the lot and in “Bid” side it would show top highest price that traders are willing to buy)
One last query :stuck_out_tongue:
"There is Price, qty and total in Market Depth". So, what is “total” field?? “qty” field I can understand but what is “total”?
If Trader ‘A’ offers @ Rs.2000 with 20 qty and Trader “B” offers at @Rs.2000 with 30 qty then Price = Rs.2000, Qty = 50, Total = 2 (So, total = No. of traders who are offering in that price)?? is my understanding correct?
Thanks Nithin :slight_smile:

could anyone help me with my query. Thanks

Total indicates the total number of orders pending in the system. Total maybe more than total number of traders who have placed a bid/ask, since one trader can have multiple open orders.

much thanks for you answer bro :slight_smile:

Nithin when it comes to 5 bid and 5 ask prices you guys provide number of orders and quantity … I was able to get 20 bid and ask data but they are not providing number off orders… Only quantity is provided. Do you know any third party who provides it along with number of orders …

Where are you getting these?

LTP show in kite is live?
Or there may be lag in LTP show by kite

For better trading tick by tbt data will help full?

It is as live as it gets. TBT data is not really of use for a retail trader. It is more meant for people using algo’s and etc. There is so much market data you get on TBT, it is impossible to analyze using human eyes.

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