Day's profit/loss on positions on kite application

@nithin and @Nakul
I want to see the “Day’s History” (which is under the “Positions” tab on web) on mobile application as well.
Because once I take a trade (or exit a trade), I want to monitor it on my phone what the impact was.

Can you suggest if this feature is planned or not and if not, can it be in consideration as it is probably a simple feature.
EDIT: Also if we can see the percentage of gain or loss on “Positions” in mobile application as well.

Thanks and regards

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@tradingops_z can you respond

Thanks for the reply. Also made this edit to the question.
EDIT: Also if we can see the percentage of gain or loss on “positions” in mobile application as well ?

Few enhancements are required to make it more user-friendly for all types of users. With those enhancements, we will also include it in the app.

Mobile application’s user interface has certain space constraints that may not accommodate this feature. We will investigate the possibilities.

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