Debt funds with significant SDL exposure

Does anyone know any debt funds except target maturity funds that allocate a significant percentage of their portfolio to State Development Loans? I know Parag Parikh Conservative Hybrid Fund is one such fund.

There are many funds / etfs with such a portfolio. Posting 2 of them viz from AXIS and SBI with aum above 1500 cr and 11000 cr respectively.

  1. Axis AMC - an ETF


  1. SBI AMC – a DEBT MF


Further due diligence is advisable.

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Thank you for your response @VIPULK. The funds you have listed are all target maturity funds. The invested principal amount and interest amount will be paid out to the investor on maturity. The below article is a good reference except for the bit about taxation-

What are Target Maturity Funds?

I am looking for a debt fund which does not have a target maturity date and has significant exposure to SDLs.

Edelweiss short duration 50 50 Gilt plus SDL index fund

It’s an open ended scheme


This is exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks for sharing @sohuas.