Considering markets are intelligent, how do you explain these deep otm call premiums. For instance, Nifty 20k strike CE expiring tomorrow closed at Rs 1.75. On the other hand, Nifty 17k PE expiring tomorrow closed at Rs 1.4!
And more interestingly, in the option chain snapshot below, 19150 CE has a bid of Rs 1.35, and 20000 CE of Rs 1.4!!
Monthly expiry ,people buy sell months before so there is Vol skew. Read about volatility skew in options. Don’t screw your head over 5 paisa. Nothing new is happening here ,its just no body wanna sell new contract as transaction and interest rate costs more and no one interested to sell at lower price however free money on the table.
Crude future traded -ve for same reason, no one had capacity to take delivery,
Oh yes, big institutions are deploying crores of rupees to manipulate some arbitrary metric to take few rupees away from the guy trading one lot of nifty/bankNifty
From my understanding of vega, it at best explains the rise in deep otm call premiums even when the spot is moving favourably. Maybe I was not articulate enough in my questioning but I still don’t understand why the volatility is not skewing put premiums in a falling market. With spot at 17.5k, just doesn’t make sense for 17k put (500 pts away) to be trading at 1.4 while 20k call (2500 pts away) to be trading at 1.75
But point taken @AlgoEye on call sellers buying deep otm calls for margin benefit and thereby creating demand. Thanks
I came across this on the internet while looking for answers. While I don’t follow sensational views from business news anchors, couldn’t find any better explanation for the put premiums. However on going through the comments on the thread, realised it’s again just a trp trap