Me not being an active trader/investor, I am finding it annoying to keep track of when Zerodha would debit demat charges from my account so that I can transfer funds else account would go to negative balance. Due to the regulation of fund settlement on monthly/quarterly basis, it is not possible to keep the account funded always as the unused funds will be credited back to bank account. Any suggestions/work arounds to this? Can Zerodha have a fixed date in a year to debit the demat charges?
Hi @koala, we’re working on making advance AMC payment option available on Console. Will keep you posted on it.
Hello @ShubhS9, any update on the same as it is quiet difficult to keep trading account funded when all money is transferred back to the bank. I am not a regular user of KITE but of COIN.
It would be better to have a mandate specifically for AMC charges which will deduct the same from bank account when due.
Hey Shubh, it’s been a year. Please add UPI autopay option for Zerodha AMC. It’s a fixed quarterly cost. I’m sure it won’t take long to create such a thing with your payments provider.
And in the notification email, please mention exact cost instead of 75 + 18% GST so i can add it to Kite easily without thinking much.
This is to inform you that your account is due for Rs. 75 + 18% GST towards quarterly demat account maintenance charge (AMC) for 10-01-2024 to 09-04-2024 and will be charged tomorrow
Hello @ShubhS9 ,
Demat AMC Charges for last qtr has been debited twice from my wife’s Zerodha account…A query has been raised, but remains unresolved since 10days inspite of multiple reminders… I thought let me escalate the issue here before proceeding to any higher authorities. Kindly look into it. Thanks.
Sorry about this. Could you please DM me the ticket number? Will check this.
Hi @siva, please mention exact cost instead of +18% GST and also try to mention if I already have the money in my kite wallet. Had to unnecessarily login to site to check if I have enough balance.
Will pass this to our team.