Derivative exposure based on Income tax returns for retail traders - Outcome from latest SEBI board meeting

True. Agreed

Yes retail pplz not makin any money anyway, it will only discourage pplz mindset to not get involved in markets, very bad decission indeed…

All sign petition not to change anything ,all brojerage houses unite go go go


@nithin @siva-reddy Will trading in MCX also be affected ? If i don’t have any income then won’t I be allowed to trade in MCX as well? :frowning:

Let SEBI implement this first and give us guidelines then we can conclude on this, till then can stop worrying.

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Test will be online or on paper

Received this circular from sebi… if this circular is related to the topic being discussed in the thread …where is sebi wanting the linking of ITR for derivatives trading?

SEBI/HO/MRD/DRMNP/CIR/P/2018/75 May 02, 2018
All recognized Stock Exchanges (except Commodity Derivatives
Exchanges) and recognized Clearing Corporations, including those
Dear Sir/Madam
Additional Risk management measures for derivatives segment
Based on the feedback received from the Clearing Corporations and the
recommendations of the Risk Management Review Committee (RMRC) of SEBI, the
following additional risk management measures are required to be complied with and
implemented by the stock exchanges/clearing corporations for derivatives segment.
Margin Collection Requirement
2. For the Equity Derivatives segment, the client margins which are required to be
compulsorily collected and reported to the Exchange/Clearing Corporation, as the
case may be, by the Clearing members / Trading members shall include initial
margin, exposure margin/extreme loss margin, calendar spread margin and mark to
market settlements.
Margin Enforcement Requirement
3. With reference to SEBI circular CIR/DNPD/7/2011 dated August 10, 2011 captioned
“Short-collection/Non-collection of client margins (Derivatives segments)”, it is
clarified that the ‘margins’, for both Equity Derivatives Segment and Currency
Derivatives Segment, shall include margins as specified in Para 2 of this circular,
mark to market settlements or any other margin as prescribed by the
Exchange/Clearing Corporation to be collected by Clearing Members from their
clients (i.e. Custodial Participants and Trading Members - for their proprietary
positions) and by Trading Members from their clients.

Computation of Liquid Net worth
4. Further to SEBI circular IES/DC/Cir-4-99 dated 28th July, 1999, it is clarified that for
the equity derivatives segment, the liquid net worth shall be arrived at by deducting
initial margin and the exposure margin/extreme loss margin from the liquid assets of
the clearing member.
5. The provisions of this circular shall come into effect from June 01, 2018.
6. Stock Exchanges and Clearing corporations are directed to:
a) take necessary steps to put in place systems for implementation of the circular,
including necessary amendments to the relevant bye-laws, rules and
b) bring the provisions of this circular to the notice of their members and also
disseminate the same on their websites; and
c) communicate to SEBI, the status of implementation of the provisions of this
circular in the Monthly Report.
7. This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of
the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of
investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the
securities market.
Yours faithfully
(Bithin Mahanta)
Deputy General Manager
Market Regulation Department
Email: [email protected]

This is not related to the derivative exposure topic. Read below

Is there any update on this decision by SEBI?

Let’s hope something comes out today as the Broker’s Body has a meeting scheduled with Sebi today…

How do you know this?

Hello nitin does that mean, no job no trade bexause no tax, what about pplz doing this as a business

@nithin I find a big opportunity here for strategy based contracts which runs on upfront information of loss and profit out of that trade to a trader.

The issue with strategy based contracts will be liquidity. I have already made a representation on this. If the spreads itself trade, there will be no execution risk, the margins required to trade them also can drop significantly.

Yes . Margins will be dropped and small rather manual traders would be able to execute the trades without slippages

Will this have effect on traders who trade in MCX as well?

Hello nitin does that mean, no job no trade bexause no tax, what about pplz doing this as a business?

In India, trading derivatives is treated as “business” as per Income Tax law. So debarring someone from trading in Derivatives does mean barring someone to conduct his/her legal and legitimate business …:right to work" is a fundamental right as per our Constitution… therefore it would mean directly infringing on citizens’ fundamental rights… in a court of law…I guess SEBi will surely lose…

just my view



Why don’t you take SEBI to courts if that is the case?.

I m sure your grandchildren’s grandchildren will win.

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