Did 99% of you day trading lose money in 2022?

Yeah, did not write it clearly. Obviously i cant make a blanket statement like that. Just saying that i have not done the work and currently have no edge. Have ideas only, not tested. Need to do other things first.

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Intra-day trading I have given it up last year. In Day trading I have definitely lost 10k with my last attempt and will not do it anymore now.
Overall CNC delivery I have made good profits averaging 5k to 7k a month. That’s enough for me and well within Short Term Capital Gain.

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You will not do because you lost money?

Was this during the bull run? If so, did it beat the index (adjusting for the beta of the stock)?
If not, you’d be better off with index investing, and we are back full circle.

It may not be about returns for everyone, some people may want to learn about investing and do it themselves, if they have time and inclination.

There are very few things in the world that people do without monetary expectation , imo investing is not one of them.

I know about a lot of very educated and intelligent people who despite having high paid jobs are into investing. I can say that, they are not into it for the money. There is a certain intellectual pursuit angle to investing, a challenge.

Not to me of course. I am in this to see if I can make more than what I get without any effort.

There are so many avenues that are far more engaging and intellectually challenging to pursue. Just because someone is rich from your perspective doesn’t always mean they aren’t looking to make more money.

From what I know, they are not into it just for the money, they look at it as learning too both as a field and about themselves. The way one’s thinking can be made into a structured, coherent perspective happens with investing. They read, learn, sometimes have biases, if they do wrong, more often than not, admit, correct and go forward. Of course when they get real busy, this takes the backseat.

When you are in US or Europe, and when you are paid in 8 figures, I am sure they are not into this for money alone. I can say this because there is a churn, many move from stocks to stocks.

I don’t know if you are an investor or not, and even if you are, I don’t know if you are a long term PF, for which you read reports, analyze the price, try to join the narrative with the numbers, but there exists a learning, and a lot of people are interested in that, until they are not.

I am an investor first, all this is first hand experience, and hence all this blabber.

Absolutely agree that you can make investing into a challenging and fruitful pursuit. All I’m saying is, if there was no incentive of money, no one in their right mind would turn to investing.

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Maybe not “just” or “only”. They are into it also for the money. So dont say they are into it not for the money, like its for some charity or entertainment :grinning:

Some will, that is the point, we cannot generalize that.

As I know them, at least to some extent, I am saying this, because when compared to the effort they are putting into investing and even when their decisions go wrong, they don’t stop it. In other words, even if they are losing money, they are continuing, and of course, they being them, they get rewarded too.

I don’t know what you do, so cannot really compare you and them, but I guess they are not into this for money, because they do well. I also think for them this is like doing puzzles, and there is no money in solving puzzles.

BTW, I am talking about investing, not trading.

Trading might feel like a stress at times, investing does not feel that way, as we have time on our side.

Why do you guess?

I couldn’t say I am certain, so I said I guess. I can almost say I know, because I have seen them continuing their journey, despite losses, despite their decisions going wrong.

Again, I am talking about investing, not trading. Traders after a while may quit because they are not making it, investors quit but not because they are not making it, but because they get busy, or feel that the return is not worth the effort.

Because there are many styles of investing, so when one explores all the ways to make money, a particular style hits the chord, and they stick with it, so learned investors don’t stop because they will make it one way or other.

Even I am making it more than I thought I can :grin:

Why not? It’s quiet obvious that even the billionaires of the world are looking to make more. Anyone investing is without a doubt looking for monetary benefits whether they admit it or not.

Sure, we all have our experiences, our perceptions and our opinions.


Everyone wants to win the game they play. Noone plays to lose unless they are into match fixing :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes but my point is, and you can confirm, unlike traders, investors don’t quit just because they have had only losses and have never seen any profits, even after a couple of years. Because serious investors introspect and get better with each investing decision, so they become profitable when they create a process, a method, and until that happens, they may see only losses but still stay in the game.

That resolve, that perspective of learning, is even making me see profits in trading :grin:

ed seykota - “Win or lose, everybody gets what they want out of the market. Some people seem to like to lose, so they win by losing money.”

There are all kinds of people with god knows what driving them even if on surface they want to make money. system collectors, afl collectors, gamblers etc etc. There was a guy on traderji, with super saiyan pic in his profile - who clearly did not care to win even if unknown to him. There are people who will struggle for years but wont be ready to put actual effort and use common sense. I have referred the guy i learnt from many many times, but with a warning that there is no easy way. Almost always, people don’t really take it seriously. 2-3 years to learn is too much effort but losing a decade is not.

Not saying markets are easy, but many seem to make it harder for themselves.