Disclosed quantity will affect in volume chart?

Q1 Does disclosed quantity will affect in volume chart ?

Lets say today actual traded volume is 10,000.
Disclosed quantity is 3000, so ( 10,000 - 3,000 ) = 7,000

Q1 : End of the day which volume data will there in chart 10,000 or 7,000.

Does disclosed quantity only hide in market depth or hide in volume chart also ?

Hy @AKILAN Disclosed quantity feature while placing equity orders allows only a part of the total order quantity to be disclosed to the market as shown in the marketdepth. Once a part of the order is executed, the next part is disclosed to the market.

Note: The disclosed quantity has to be a minimum 10% of the order size.(NSE EQ and BSE EQ)

yes it will reflect in the volume.

Given the above example once the 3k shares are executed another 3k shall be released so it shall be shown in the chart as well.

You can check on this link to know more on disclosed qty.

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My question is does disclosed quantity will be shown in volume chart or not ?
Lets say yesterday total reliance traded qty is 46,03,103 ( only NSE volume )

This total RELIANCE volume is included disclosed qty or exclude disclosed qty ?


Till now what i think is disclosed qty only will hide in market depth not on volume chart is this correct ?

@AKILAN Yes your understanding is correct. Qty shall be shown/included in chart.

This is included

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