Discontinuation of pooling for mutual funds and how it affects Coin

@Bhuvan @nithin sir please check…

Hi Zerodha Team - Any update on e mandate for SIP?
by when we can expect, your last deadline was July end - it been more than 2 months

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Not everything is still exactly smooth. I made two liquid fund purchase orders on Friday, well before the cut off time.

a) Money got debited from bank account but order went through yesterday only, and since these two were fairly large orders, loss of around Rs 1500, which wouldn’t have happened if the order had gone through on time. Plus, not being able to utilise that money for today’s FinNifty expiry. More than anything, you have to face that uncertainty of not knowing where your money is exactly…

b) Secondly, am noticing that for both these investments, it’s showing a ‘Discrepancy’ error, where the avg. price, P/L etc., is not being displayed on Console. This usually happens for off-market transfers, bonus, splits, etc (something which your article also states). Has never happened for adding units to an already existing investment. Can’t put the blame on BSE StAR MF for this one…

yeah same for me. Invested in overnight fund on Friday morning 10am and got units allocated with nav of sunday as per sms. Did not know we had sunday nav. Previously i used to get units on same day evening.

Also showing ‘Discrepancy’ error today in console, i am assuming it will go away.

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Yup, this is what used to happen earlier in Liquid/Overnight funds. That was pretty much the main reason for me investing in Liquid funds on Friday…

Past few months, I’ve grown less & less optimistic about things here, but yeah, let’s hope so…


waiting for refund since last 40 days and getting same reply. Where is refund stuck?

Please can anyone suggest what to do in this scenario as Zerodha and BSE don’t seem to care and are not giving proper reason for delay.

Ticket NO - #20220801793152

Me too got this discrepancy error with allotted units, never got this before.

Looks like the system is not back completely.

Why is the buy average for some mutual funds shown as a discrepancy? [Ticket #20220907957646]- Zerodha Helpdesk

All the liquid funds are showing discrepancy on coin and console.

Zerodha keeps coming with different ways to make mf users unhappy.

I am wondering, how they will blame this one to bse star mf.

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Yeah, hasn’t been fixed yet, though yesterday, I was told it’d be fixed automatically by today…

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same here brother, money stuck since Aug 5



Sorry missed this Vivek. We’re waiting for the exchanges to make a few changes to accommodate mandates in the new flow. We’ve started working on this. Will take a little bit of time. I’ll update the thread here. Really sorry for the delay, please bear with us.

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What about the discrepancies with mutual fund purchases, will they resolve by themselves or do we need to correct them?

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Will be updated automatically, no need to do anything.

Faced this issue for the first time, so asked. Good to know that.


@Bhuvan brother, please give some update. why ignore my issue ?

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Another week coming to end but no refund. It has been 6 weeks.

Zerodha support is either ignoring or giving same reply since starting.

@Bhuvan , my money (INR 5000) is stuck for over a week now. Have raised a complaint with Zerodha ( #20220903198651), and also have written multiple mails to BSE - but no acknowledgement / response. I am still not sure what was the need to defenestrate an existing smooth mechanism of MF transaction, and replace it with an unstable defunct system, where there is 0 support, and confused retail investors need to tweet / mail / call multiple times – with 0 acknowledgement or response from either BSE / Zerodha. Under such circumstances, if my money gets stuck for days and weeks - with no further communication, that’s a big concern and a threat to my financial well-being. Please help me in getting a refund at the earliest. Thanks in advance.

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Hi @Bhuvan @Esha
All my SIP orders(3) and one Fresh order placed in last 11 days are stuck in Payment received - order sent to AMC state for last 11 days. I have made payments for all the orders but the units aren’t allotted.

Raised a ticket with zerodha as well #20220911808959. Please help here.

@Bhuvan / @nithin Any alternate strategy for Zerodha Coin in the roadmap? Since Many are complaining w.r.t BSEStarMF Platform? We are not getting a timely resolution for payment failures.

Afraid to hit the order button again on the coin. :expressionless: