I have 7 shares of BSoft at 296/ which totals to 2077/
But actually I have these shares free as I’ve already taken out my complete investment amount.Requested @zerodha @nitin kamath to add a line which shows actual investment .It’s not possible to remember which all stocks are free for you ,out of so many stocks .
If you suggest refering order book ,pnl book ,it’s actually not possible in mobile .
Basically when market falls and you find so many stocks where your investment is zero ,you get a boost and even otherwise when you see many stocks with zero investment it gives a boost ..Hope to see a sudden modification in system presentation.
Any suggestions to have a quick look on all stocks with zero investment???
This is indeed a great way of approaching market corrections.
You can use the tagging feature for this purpose. Do check this out and let us know what you feel about it
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