DMART-BE how to sell it

DMART-BE how to sell this. It is not allowing me to sell

you cannot sell the dmart on the same day brother…you will be able to sell it after it has been credited to you account.
xchange has prohibited intraday trading on dmart due to xtreme volatility the stock saw few days back.

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D-mart is a Trade to trade stock, this are not allowed to be traded intraday . If a stock is purchased it can only be sold after the T+2 settlement happens. If you try selling the shares the same day, or before the shares are in your DEMAT account, your order will be rejected.

If you have a ‘trade to trade’ stock in your holding and you sell it, but buy it back it on the same day, the stocks will not be visible in your holdings till after the settlement (T+2 days).

The following series on NSE and BSE are trading to trade stocks:

  • ’BE’ series on NSE
  • ’BT’ series on NSE
  • ’BZ’ series on NSE
  • ’T’ group on BSE
  • ’XT’ group on BSE
  • ’Z’ group on BSE
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