Does MF based on ETF's execute on iNAV?

Does MF based on ETF’s execute on iNAV?
For example , let us take Gold MF’s .
“HDFC Gold Fund” is based on “HDFC Gold Exchange Traded Fund”

In short, does the MF’s protect from NAV/iNAV variations?
HDFCGOLD - NAV ~ 61.2, iNAV - 60.9

They mostly buy in the market as you would have. If the order size is high they can get units at iNAV but doubt it will be that high everyday

I assumed, they can create the units as they maintain the ETF and MF. :frowning:

They do.

Hi @Bhuvan , If they can create the units, it can be done at the iNAV right and not at the NAV with higher premium. Any thoughts on that?

That’s right. They may buy some units from the market, if the trade sizes are less than the creation units though.