Does Zerodha have?

does zeroadha have :

  1. After Market Orders ?

  2. Regular/Systematic Stock & ETF Purchase feature ?

  3. If yes, Is there any need for minimum amount of trade value for Systematic Stock Purchase Plan ?

  4. Zero brokerage is valid for any amount of transaction value of delivery based purchase ?

  1. Yes -

  2. ETF’s can be added to the Marketwatch like stocks and can be purchased. List of ETF’s:

  3. You’ll have to have 100% margins.

  4. Yes.

hi Venu,
Thanks for your reply. But I guess, you got my second and third question wrong.
2) Systematic Equity Plan - Systematic ETF Plan - this are the two features in ICICI Direct that allows investors to purchase stocks & ETFs in form of SIP. You set a frequency (weekly, monthly etc) and amount or qty of stock or ETF to purchase. Once you set this ‘instructions’ it keeps buying the stock/ETFs until end of period.
Similar thing in Reliance Money is called Regular Stock Purchase (RSP).
Does Zeroadha have similar SIP feature for stocks and ETFs ?