DSP Mutual fund's latest report - "The Navigator"

DSP Mutual fund’s monthly report is always full of interesting charts and insights.

Here are some of the highlights :

Equity Valuations now seem reasonable

Price correction has created valuation space for broader market

Global headwinds, Local Tailwinds

Prepared for Shocks?

Fading Liquidity

Overall view going forward

Check out the whole report and also share if you have any thoughts on the following points made in this report.

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With all this interesting findings in hand, I assume DSP Fund Managers will now outperform the rest of Global Mutual Fund Managers in the coming months.

Reports are reports sir. Performance is an altogether different game. :slight_smile: I hope you are right and they continue to do well for their investors.

Standard disclaimer : No reco in favour or against any Mutual fund :- )

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Agree with you. This is a industry where someone is valued by their past performance and not how much gyan / knowledge they can output.