Explain SLB charges please

I get mail from zerodha to enable SLB after raising ticket but I don’t understand the charges in the link. Can anyone explain in simple or lay man language. Please. @nithin @ShubhS9

Processing Charges on Lending/Borrowing Transactions will be as negotiated on Case to Case basis subject to minimum Rs. 500 per transaction.

If there is any shortfall in margins or pay-in, there will be interest charged at 0.07% per day on outstanding amount (amount of shortfall).

Charges on Bank Guarantees/Fixed Deposit as collateral: 0.04% of the value.
Charges on Securitues (Shares, Mutual Fund’s) as collateral: 0.04% on post haircut value per day plus Rs. 50 per transaction on withdrawal.
Charges on G-Sec/T-Bills as collateral: 0.04% of the value per day, plus Rs. 500 per transaction, both on submission and withdrawal.

Also the above mentioned charges does not include charges, penalties, service tax, other taxes, cesses etc levied by other intermediaries such as Clearing Corporation, Exchange, SEBI and other regulatory/government authorities.

How is the volume liquidity in SLB ?


How can a lender in the SLB ; participate in the rights issues REs , after doing the lending?

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As per the NSE website -

Adjustment for Corporate Actions

  • All transactions in case of corporate actions other than dividend and Stock spilt will be foreclosed on the ex-date.
  • In case of only AGM/EGM, depending upon the series of contracts , foreclosure shall be applicable.
  • In case of dividend, the dividend amount will be collected from the borrower by NSE Clearing and will be paid to the lender.
  • In case of stock split, the position of the borrower would be proportionately adjusted and the lender will receive the revised quantity on the reverse leg settlement date.

Yes. I know that . But , what about the REs?

It did not mention about it .

As Rights Issue is also a type of Corporate Action, the SLB transaction will be foreclosed on the ex-date (as Dividend and Stock Split are the only corporate actions that are exempted from foreclosure as mentioned above)

I can’t any link in Zerodha, Kite or any of the articles, from which to enable SLB in my account

As per this support page, to enable SLB on your account, you will have to raise a ticket via that page.