Hi Pls update when this feature is going to come. XIRR is a very basic data to be present in a portfolio. While you have XIRR in Coin, why we dont have for stocks / ETFs!
Also I have another request related for portfolio. While you have feature in to show the stock break up in MF investments, same is required for ETFs as well.
Hi Vinoth, missed this. Apologies for the delayed response. We’re working on making XIRR available on Console. This has taken time due to some complexities involved with edge cases. For now, you can check this article to know how to calculate XIRR/CAGR: What is XIRR and how to check it in Zerodha?
@ShubhS9 XIRR is one of the most basic functions in finance. I’m surprised what kind of edge cases is keeping Zerodha to not provide this useful feature. It’s been 10 years!
XIRR showing in the Console is not dynamic based on the Filters above if you could add that feature that would help us to determine the specific sector performance of the investors.