FII trading activity

Can someone explain this?

Can you give the link? also what is your exact query in this?

Does the difference between purchase and sales tells us FIIs are long on futures or options?

Yeah you can say that…

Two kinds of senario can happen…

  1. Let say for a particular day, the FII’s net purchase in the future market is positive… It’s means they created long position in the future market in net. It shows they have a bullish view in the market.

  2. But It can also be possible that, the big players (FII’s ) may use future to hedge their positions in the cash market.
    Let, say FII’s are long in future market, it may happen that they are doing this to hedge their short position in the cash market… !!

But, in case of options it’s little bit confusion, because if FII’s are long in options, i.e if they are long in call option they are bullish but if hey are long is put they are bearish…

This are my thoughts…
Need some experts thoughts in this matter…
@siva-reddy @ShubhS9

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