I would like to know that if I invest in mutual funds via coin platform, will I be getting folio numbers? If yes where can I view it?
I would like to know that if I invest in mutual funds via coin platform, will I be getting folio numbers? If yes where can I view it?
Yes, the folio numbers will be assigned by the AMCs for each mutual fund that you would hold in your portfolio on COIN. Below is a screenshot for one such scheme.
Thanks Faisr,
Have 2 more queries.
1.Now since Coin does not have STP facility, can we use this folio number from coin and log in to that particular fund house and switch certain amount of my funds say MF1 to MF2?
2.If we can do that STP from that particular fund website will it reflect that in Zerodha - Coin (Pls note iam not purchasing additional units, iam just using STP facility).
Appreciate someone pls reply on my below querry
1.Since Coin does not have STP facility, can we use this folio number from coin and log in to that particular fund house and switch certain amount of my funds say MF1 to MF2?
Example:If i had invested 50K in BSL savings fund - direct - growth and later i want to do STP of 10K to BSL frontline equity fund - direct - growth. In that case how my Zerodha dashboard will reflect?
Hi Sajin,
This will not be possible.
Hi Faisr,
You mean to say that we will not see the folio number (genereted by investing through coin) once we login in the AMC website ?
Is this the cane for all AMC ?
You cannot see any investments done through COIN on the AMC website but you can enter your folio number and generate a statement if required. But, again the problem here is that most of the AMCs will not be able to generate the statement. They will state that since the units are in demat form so they will not be able to generate the same. In this case, your demat account statement that you would receive from us at the end of every month is a more valid proof of investment.
You can check this link which will help you generate the statement.
Hi Faisr,
Then the only option left as you suggested is keep redeeming units regularly and then reinvest them in another fund type under same AMC. With this comes my last querry-if we redeem units, where does the amount gets credited? - Demat or to our Bank account?
In such cases wont you think it will be an added weapon to COIN if STP facility can be introduced. As this is the basic role all fund managers play by shifting funds from MF1 to MF2. I would really love to know when Zerodha is planning to implement STP option under COIN.
The redemption amount will always be credited to your trading account. Yes, we are planning on implementing STP for this purpose. We will keep you posted once this feature is introduced.
Thank You for considering it.Hope it rolls our soon.
Hey Akash, sorry I missed this. Dint get your question. Are you referring to STP?
Yes on 26 Jan 2020 I am asking about STP on Coin