Fully auto trading

Yes, plan doesn’t matter, as long as the signal is received by the browser and plugin is active.


Thanks, plugin looks good. Buy it is not triggering stop loss orders itself. Can you please help?


Sir when SL alert comes it triggers the order, it just doesn’t place order for SL-M as later it might have to cancel it.
If your SL alert did not trigger make sure it has network connection and correct plugin from the right link here.
If you still are facing issue, probably drop me a msg, I will try to look into it.

Hi …I love this plugin…only issue is that orders on option strategies are not getting executed as market orders are disabled…is there any solutions to this

Correct me if I am wrong, market orders are only blocked for far OTM and deep ITM correct, bcz I use it in options trading very frequently, never face a problem !

Can someone explain how tradetron allows auto trading, and why streak cannot do the same?

Tradetron is not legal in my opinion. It’s not an Indian company, it’s US registered company. It comes under grey area. I guess no body is concerned about it as most brokers are happy because algo trading means more orders and more money. Even if someone complains about it , sebi or exchanges can’t do as they are not legally bound to Indian market regulations.

With so much regulations in India , allowing streak itself is a big thing achieved by Zerodha.

I guess you are talking about stock options where market orders are not allowed

I will try again…but I had checked zerodha site…it works only with index options that too only near to expiry…

I am using the Kiwi browser on my phone to automate trading. it’s working fine till now. Anyone else been able to automate trade using other browsers?

Yea, many have written to me about this, I tried it few days back and seems to work to even my surprise :smiley:
My only worry here would be if my phone internet goes then it might miss/delay a trade, otherwise it appears to work just great.

Just recently came across the dynamic contract feature that Streak released(source here).
This makes strike selection automatic so now it is even more convenient, when using with the plugin.

Navin bro… It was working fine until yesterday but stopped working since today? Do you have any clue?

I think you need to update to the latest version.

Don’t think so. i feel it’s toooo risky, i don’t think so it will get approved .tou have to keep watch on trades. you can’t copy and reflect human sentiments related market in algo. you can’t program discretionary trades. i wish fully Auto trading is possible.

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Thank you for TradeRocket. It’s simply awesome.


Hi Navin, can i contact you.

ya, It’s simply amazing, to be honest. just perfect.

how to trade stock options using this?

@TradeRocket does this plugin works on MacOS?

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