i want to put a certain double digit lakh amount in a PMS/managed fund that give 15-18% percent or more return yearly, there are a lot of big name brokers out there, motilal oswal, anand rathi, certain big banks who do portfolio management. I wished zerodha did it but anyways what does the forum think what are your recommendations.
reason to go for a pms is my mom dosent want to manage or deal with the market due to age concerns,heart problems, etc Thus something stable that invests and manages money in the market and gives more return than fd.
She wants to focus on BN and nifty. Too addicted.
Also wants to but another double digit amount in Systematic withradawl funds idk why,makes no sense to me.
i agree seems quite high, past 3 years yes with bullish markets they may have given,not always most are qouting numbers from past 3 years. a certain big name institutional broker i wont name publicly gave 25% past two years on 8+ cr capital amount to someone i know.
Whole reason to go for a pms is my mom dosent want to manage due to age concerns,heart problems, etc Thus something stable that invests and manages money in the market and gives more return than fd and i am too new to the markets(hardly 2 or 3 years) to manage a large amount. Dont want to put this in property or gold.
You should go for Mutual funds, not PMS. PMS is a lot more involved than mutual funds. The trades happen in your account, and you have to follow up and pay taxes based on it every year.
To have a fixed monthly income
I highly recommend you stay with mutual funds and not PMS. It is better for your usecase.