Got 1 min chart with time period of 240 days in Pi!

Today morning when i opened a 1 min chart of BANKNIFTY, by default it opened with a timeperiod of 240 days. As BANKNIFTY Futures have a vlaliditity of only 90 days ,the 1min data of MAY FUT until Feb 27 was available.
But the maximum timeperiod that one can choose from chart settings is 60 days only. So how did this happen?
Is there any plan in the pipeline to provide 1 min data for 240 days?

Please refer this Thread for more insight on this

The above chart is not a continuous chart. Its a regular 1 min chart for 240 days. Continuous charts don’t provide minute wise data. I opened it by double clicking on the chart column in market watch.
My doubt is how did i get a chart of 240 days when the maximum timeperiod that one can choose for minutewise data from the chart settings is only 60 days!?
Though this doesn’t hinder my trading, i am just curious about this anomaly…