Groww Overtaking Zerodha

I had PayTM Money before and moved to Zerodha some 1.5 years ago.
I opened Paytm Money because name is well known and the trust.
Before opening Zerodha I had lot of concerns, because app name differed like Kite & Coin and I was getting confused. Nevertheless after moving hoping I’ll be here forever.


Zerodha will improve only when they start providing NEST.EXE else 7 brokers are better than Zerodha for individuals

Its very slow and during peak period on expiry day, it doesn’t work. You keep on logging in and logging out. Sensibull is for persons who want to make 2000 to 3000 per month

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Recently I created a account in Groww and I must say their UI is way better.

I always like to see how much my MFs perform for a specific date when there is a big fall down or surge.

Multiple taps on Groww shows XIRR,day change, overall performance - a very simple yet meaningful feature. Cannot believe how come this is missing in Coin or I am missing something here.

Someone says Coin is bare bone kind of - I totally agree with him.

Some of the features are upcoming and team is working on that - but as we have seen for SWP - it takes forever and when it would be live your enthusiasms will be over.

Sometimes I feel like Zerodha is in a mission of being a lean(est) team to create valuation like Whatsapp with 55 employee and USD 19 billion when FB acquired them. Else whats the problem to create larger team to accommodate these basic features.


You can see the Portfolio XIRR value on the Coin Dashboard as well as the Portfolio on Web this will be live on the App in the next release.

We have been working on enhancements on Coin and these will be in place soon :slight_smile:

Can I check day change ?

Also I wanted mean multiple taps on amount changes to XIRR/Day Change/Overall Performance. This is a nice feature if you understand my explanation.