Has Zerodha finally decided to enter the "marketing" game

Hey @nithin ,

I found this a little surprising the other day while searching for the Zerodha keyword on Google.

Given your stance on how the lifetime value of a customer in the discount broking space is less than the CAC, going full throttle on advertising just doesn’t make sense.

But I wanted to know from you whether that stance has been changing over the past few months given that your competition is advertising on your business’s keyword on Google?

appreciate your time :slight_smile:

If they are advertising for their brand name, thats not exactly “marketing”. “Motilal Oswal” targeting “Zerodha” keyword is “marketing”

I completely agree,

but I remember in an interview Nithin mentioning the fact that some of his competition advertising on the Zerodha keyword to maybe kinda steal potential new clients, maybe this is Zerodha’s way of stopping that from happening…


Hi @rthammareddy11, this is not us :slightly_smiling_face: Seems like our partners are advertising their affiliate links. Nithin had answered a similar query here:


did you click on the link and check for the referral link in the URL? :slight_smile: