How do I place a VTC order in Kite similar to ICICIDirect?

My first post, a real noob here, How do I place a VTC order in Kite similar to ICICIDirect?

What is VTC order?

VTC - valid till cancellation orders are not supported by Zerodha over any platforms

Thanks for your reply. I saw one webinar where Zerodha was telling that they plan to introduce VTC soon. This webinar on youtube was like 6 months back, just wanted to know if they had made progress. Thanks for taking time to answer the question.

valid till cancellation, where you will decide to sell a stock at a particular price point, every day till you cancel, the broker will place an order on the exchange in the morning, at the price trigger, order will be executed. this is how vtc works. very useful for part time traders who do not have the time or resource to follow up everyday.