How do you manage a full-time job with full-time day trading?

I have been in the stock market for 1 year, but net profitable for the last 2 months, and I am making good gains these days.

I don’t intend to quit my job until I hit my gains target where I feel confident about trading as a permanent job.

I mostly do a mix of swing trades and day trades, but it’s impossible to keep eyes away from the stock market (to monitor swing trades) during trading hours. I try to work on my full-time job, but can’t focus on it.

My P/L is a mix. Sometimes like today, I make good gains. My today gain was equivalent to 8 days salary (of course today was very exception)

How do you manage both things? It’s impossible to gather energy for work after a long, stressful trading day

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Yes it is very tiring and very frustrating too if you are having losses, on one side you have to attend customers and on other you have to cover your losses also.

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