How does block deal works? Retail investors can see block deals and participate?

Is this block deal only for Institutional traders and not for retail traders? How to see someone places buy or sell block deal orders?

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A block deal is anything which has a value of over Rs 5 crores and both the buyer/seller have an arrangement in advance to execute the trade. Yes available only for institutional investors. 

Check this from the NSE website: 

Block deals

A separate window is provided by the Exchange for executing block deals i.e. orders with a minimum quantity of 5,00,000 shares or minimum value of Rs. 5 crore whichever is lower. All trades are settled under settlement type 'N' and series 'BL'. Deals are cleared on a rolling basis (T+2) and are compulsorily settled in dematerialized mode only. Non delivery of securities is compulsorily closed out on the settlement day as per rates applicable for close out in the rolling segment. Settlement guarantee is extended for trades in this series as is being done for the existing series in normal market. All other provisions including the procedures for trade modifications, client code modifications, computation of securities transaction tax, reporting institutional deals, risk management, withdrawal of trading facilities, penalties etc. are as applicable in the normal market segment. Members making early pay-in in this segment have to give specific EPI of securities.