How to check stocks where 20ema has cross above 50ema 10-days back and is above 50ema since then

Hello team

How to check stocks where 20ema has cross above 50ema 10-days back and is above 50ema since then means 20ema is continuously above 50ema in last 10 days

@technical_trader You can refer to the below image to learn how to create the scanner conditions:

You can also refer to the scanner link here: Streak | World's first algo trading platform without coding

The scanner will check for stocks where EMA20 has crossed above EMA50 on the 10th candle previous to the current candle and then EMA20 has been above EMA50 for the previous ten candles.

If you have any more queries you can ask here and I’ll be happy to help. Alternatively, you can also reach out to us at [email protected]

Can you share the image again?
I can’t see it

I want to write a logic to see if any of the last 10 candles crossed ema 50
I used period min function but i didnt get the expected results

Hi @Manga_Man

We have shared the condition logic, Refer to the image below:

The scanner will check for stocks where EMA20 has crossed above EMA50 on the 10th candle previous to the current candle and then EMA20 has been above EMA50 for the previous ten candles.

Note: Regarding the logic of " any of the last 10 candles crossed ema 50" we have shared it here Find if any of the last 10 candles crossed ema 20 - #2 by Streak

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Thank you very much :pray::pray::pray:

Also please let me know if there is a logic to find out
The high of last N candles - low of last N candles should be less than 1%?

Highest ( high ) of last N candles - Lowest ( low ) of last N candles is less than 1%

Hi @Manga_Man

Refer to the below-shared image for your requirements.

The scanner will generate results for stocks where the difference between the highest high and lowest low of the last 50 candles is less than 1%. You can make the necessary changes at your discretion.

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How to create a logic to see 5 mins ema of length 20 crossed 15 mins ema of length 20 in 1 hour timeframe?

When i click on 1 hour timeframe in streak the below timeframes disappears
So how to do this logic?

Hi @Manga_Man

Streak does not follow the top-down approach in timeframes. Therefore, when the base timeframe is set to 1 hour, it is not possible to create conditions using lower timeframes. Hence it cannot be implemented.

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So there is no other way to implement this logic?


Unfortunately, there isn’t another way to implement this logic at the moment.