How to code candlestick patterns, macd, moving avgs, adx, bollinger bands, stochastic, and if possible can it provide pattern recognition?. Can i get a manual for this

hi , i want to code my strategy using candlestick patterns, macd, moving avgs, adx, bollinger bands, stochastic, and if possible can it provide pattern recognition?.. can i get a manual for this?

or plz give differenet examples of them individually, so that i can combine them…and make my strategy…


Gopal, check this post, we have a few hundred coding queries using tradescript. Check this section also for manual. 

Nithin, the links that u hv posted are of algoz - Nest platform. Do i need to use algoz for working with tradescript on Pi platform?

Yes the programming language is the same (for algoz/pulse and coding on Pi), Tradescript.