In which app we can combine 3 or more options and view in one chat and 3 options are in one line formation…free app or paid APP…
You want to view charts for multiple Options? This you can do on Kite as well with Multi Chart Layout.
Eg: nifty 12000 ce ,12100 ce ,and 12200 ce this 3 options are in one line formation bro…!!
No bro not that…
Like that combining 11000 ce and 11000 pe and plots in one line ,…
In chart u can see 11000 ce and 11000 pe LINE ,with SMA
Now I got it
You want to combine prices of multiple Options and view it as single line chart, which might not be possible but you can compare prices of multiple Options and plot them on one chart, check the below screenshot, I’ve plotted prices of 12000 CE, 12100 CE and 12200 CE, you cannot combine prices of all 3 in one line but can compare prices of all 3 on one chart.
… and have also plotted 50 MA, as you can see in the above picture.
We can combine bro in TICKER PLANT APP,but it is paid one ,per 1 year it cost 85k around sooooo…
This might be some specially designed tool to perform this kind of analysis, don’t think it will be available for free.
Kk bro
Hey shiva have to got the solution for it because I am also searching for the same?
other than ticker software where we can find combo charts kindly help?
@ShubhS9 wat he meant is, cumulative sum of option price, volume in one chart.
like option 1 price : 100
option 2 price is : 220
option 3 price is : 230
then he would like to have a chart with value : 100 + 220 + 230 = 550
I think this is supported in Icharts ( paid) website.
Which app is this ??
@shiva_reddy1 Hi Buddy, i’m also looking at this feature. i have seen this strategy by Vishal malkan expiry level 4 strategy. Did you find any place where you can see by price by combining 3 option strike price?