How to find a good CA?

Please suggest ways to find a good CA, my last CA made lot of mistakes in last year itr. He didn’t even knew how to calculate fno turnover.
And how to analyse that he/her knows all tax stuff related to equities?

In my opinion, we can’t ask direct tax related questions to him/her to analyse her knowledge, any other ways to get to know that the guy knows all about tax?

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You can post your questions and tag @Quicko here.

Also, check out:

How do you define a good CA?
IMO all of them are good. I can’t let my fellow members down. :crazy_face:

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do you provide qualified report if trading via company and 100% income is from stock market.

Till date i had interactions with two, and both of them dont even know that how the turnover of F&O is calculated


@nithin_kumrr @nithin @vishvajit_sonagara @quicko team doesnt answer to queries , i guess they are not much serious to run the company and zerodha shouldnt fund these type of companies where customer satisfaction is not the priority
one example of it is below its been more than 4 days still unanswered:

Okay. I know how it is calculated. So I am a good CA. Now what’s your doubt. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Don’t waste your time on CA😀. File your returns yourself on ITR website. Take help of Google/Youtube at every step. You are anyway spending time on figuring out inaccuracies of CA. Better to use that time for DIY and save fees.

Why bro why? :rage:
Anyways he wants tax audit. :grimacing:

@ANKIT_T @Jason_Castelino I guess this is the only way left, but confused with few questions like can i report my business income(not related to equity market) as just 8% of turnover inspite of actual profits. Suppose having 20lakhs as turnover and 10lakhs as actual profit and just report 8% of 20lakhs turnover = 1,60,000 as profit and invest rest 8,40,000 in equity shares. Can it dept send a demand notice on this (even though section 44AD allows us to not maintain book of records) . Can he raise demand on base of cdsl entries mentioned in AIS?
i have read few about few cases and most of them get result in favour of assesse, can anyobdy share his experience regarding this

just read this book on Section 44AD, it mentions that AO cant ask for book of records or actual profits

I would suggest not to do that. Imagine I have 3cr profit from selling otm options. My turnover will also be 3cr. Can I show only 6 percent as profit? Thats 18lakhs and pay tax accordingly.
I always suggest to show actual profits.
Who’s favour will the case be ruled if it goes to litigation is secondary.

Aatmanirbhar Bharat, Aatmanirbhar Taxpayer.:smiley: