How to get NR7 stock on daily basis?


hElLO tRaDeR,

Not the Perfect one, but you can use this NR7 and NR4 Finder Tool meanwhile :

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Check out the below Amibroker AFL code for NR7 strategy:

Could you please re upload excel

Can you please re-upload the file.

I update the NR7 list of stocks daily in the google spread sheet, you can access it here.

I share this list and their results daily in a telegram channel , and received feedback from traders that some times, the list becomes big, more than 10 to 15 stocks comes in watchlist and its difficult to monitor all stocks and place trade. Sometimes after placing the order, the stock hits stop loss and reverses in opposite direction. If not taken the 1st trade and taken only 2nd trade would have made profits.

So to simplify further, we just have to wait and watch for the first order to get trigger, once it gets triggered, we will then place the second order in our trading account.

Take example of Exide:

First triggered sell order at 246, then in few mins it moved up and hit stop loss at 250. If we have skipped this first order, and placed only the buy order, we would have made higher profit.

So the solution is wait for the first order to happen and place second order. We will generate instant telegram alert and send it to users.

Sample alert:
So its now easier for the user to place orders, as and when they get the alert, they can simply place the order. And even you get a confirmation alert if those orders are executed.


We have two options,

Place bracket order in Zerodha when you get the alert. With bracket order, you are placing Sell - SL order with trigger at 160.3 and stop loss at 162.25. So when Ashok Leyland reaches 160.3 your short order gets executed, and also your stop loss order at 162.25 and target order(based on your choice) gets placed into the system. When stop loss order or target order, which ever gets executed later on, the other pending order gets cancelled.


The other option is, first place sell order (SL-M) with 160.30, wait for it to get executed. Then place your stop loss order a buy order (SL-M) with 162.25

watch this video to know how it works Intraday Stock Alert - Place order from Telegram - YouTube

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Performance of above NR7 trade results are updated here daily basis. Live performance since may 2018 is here.

Nice strategy…
Will check it out

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yeah sure…