Let says X is closed at 50. Now I want to set 60 as trigger point so if it goes high and crosses 60 my GTT order is executed at LIMIT price. But for any reason if market opens for eg. at 65 and it starts falling down and hits 60, my GTT is not triggered in downward direction.
I hope i made it clear enough, I am looking for solution preferrbly in zerodha or any other app will do as well
Is it not possible somehow to create GTT so its executed when prices are going up and cross it, and nowtwhen price are going down
Thanks for reply, but I think i have a different question. > How to do it so GTT only triggers at 50 when price is going from 45 to 55 and not triggers when its going 55 to 45.
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In the post above, I gave the same answer but in a different context.
When placing a Buy GTT order, if the trigger price is above the LTP (Last Traded Price), it triggers when the LTP crosses above the trigger price.
So, in your case, if you had placed a buy GTT with a trigger price of 50 and the stock gaps up to 55, your GTT will be triggered at the market opening and your order will be executed at 55 (if you have set a higher limit price), not when the stock comes down to 50.