How to place option stragergy automated on basis of premium?

How to place option stragergy automated on basis of premium ?

For example if I want to place Short strangle or Long Strangle just on basis of premium.

If I want to sell a OTM Put & OTM Call only if combine premium touches XYZ price then my both the orders should get triggered and executed

Thanks in Advance!

@Streak can you


  1. Currently with Streak you can get signal based on options OHLCV, technical conditions, price actions, OI, futures, multiple symbols, timeframes alerts, but you have to select the contracts you want to trade.
  2. It will not auto trade based on the current regulations, which don’t allow for auto trading, you will get alerts on mobile/web and you just need to click once and trade will go through.

For his you can try the “TradeRocket” chrome plugin, it acts on the notifications automatically and its Free.

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May be a program can be developed to cater to requirements such as in python, nodejs or golang. In python, using pyquery, you can read and parse any html data and use if for your strangle orders

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