How to trade options based on Implied volatility?

how to trade options based on Implied volatility ? how to check the historical implied volatility of any stock option ?

finding IV for stock options is difficult unless you have some built in software to do so.  I haven't found any so far for Indian stocks.

for Index options, we have INDIAVIX:

Note: volatility based strategy may not be applied for intraday trading.  

all the best.


First decide the technical situation for the underlying security/index.

Only when its Volatility breaks out, Buy the options as their premiums have high probability of increase.

When the Volatility is low, the option premiums have the probability of getting eaten based on the technical situation of the underlying security/index.

Interactive brokers give very good tools for option trading based on volatility.

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thank u … nice explanation…

thank u sdg… can u suggest a broker who provides tools for option trading based on volatility.