I have lost 25k in commodity. How can I recover my loss

I have lost 25k in commodity in last week .How can I recover my loss.I dont have too much time to watch market.Can tips provider companies recover my loss.

No they cant. Consider the money that you have lost as tuition fee paid to Mr.Markets. Now its time to learn. Spend time educating yourself and retrospect to understand why you lost money. This will help you make better decisions in the future.


which commodity you traded?

I was there where you are 1 and half year back. The more i tried to recoup my losses, the more I lost. You can never get your losses back in trading. You can only make profits. And now, if you concentrate more on making money, you will lose again. Its not about profits or losses. Trading is all about having a trade plan.It is about having the confidence in taking the trades as per your strategy when one triggers without hesitation. It is about having the discipline to follow the trade plan to the dot. Please keep your focus away from making money and concentrate on putting A trades(the trade you take next time it appears irrespective of the outcome of the present trade).

Happy trading. :slight_smile:

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You can follow some experts advice in moneycontrol.com live forum there you can find free super hit calls.

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Sunny, u had mentioned tht u lost someK in another query. Now, it is 25k. U r mentioning tht u don't hv much time needed to dedicate in market. First u need to get out of tht mindset. Unless u spend considerable amt of time for studying & analysing the market, u cannot make profits. Trading is not an easy way of making money.

Remember tht the financial exchanges keep opening every day throughout ur life, but money shud be remaining in ur pocket to trade in those exchanges.

Regarding the tips providers, they operate with a specific agenda. Read the article which Karthik has written before. Then u decide where u want to fit in that. Choice is yours.


Sunny ji, 1st decide how much u want to earn in a month. divide by 20 (assume 20 trading days in month instead of 22). and make it sensible… please don’t make ur monthly target more than ur trading capital. for example. if some one has Rs50,000/- as trading capital in MCX segment. don’t make ur target more than 10% daily i.e 5,000/day. whenever ur daily profit exceed 5,000 exit from all position and close the terminal for a day. to make 50,000/month you have to make 2,500/day… i think it is achievable. Rs 2/lot in NG and 25 points in CrudeOil. or divide it in two. Rs 1 in NG per lot and 15 points in crude. do not greed more than 7,500 i.e 3 day earning.Else at some point u may get over confidence. slowly increase ur capital and daily target. side by side withdraw money on weekly basis. to spend and invest in stock or Re-Capitalize the when loss occurs.

I think it may help u to recover ur loss.

Note: Take Zerodha 60 Day Challenge with it. it keep u in discipline.


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We help you recovering all previous losses. Call me on Mobile No 9925250243

crudeoil and natural gas,copper

you can better start trading in equities and fno is small size and gain knowledge,when i see your old questions i can understand that you need a considerable amount and get rich quick in trading you are jumpiness from exchanges to exchanges in search of fortune.you should understand the mindset required to trade successfully,i have seen you asking not for trading successfully but for trading tips,which is best eq or fno,eq or comm etc.

yes,i have seen once somebody posted nifty level closing but i ignored and exactly it made.but i dont remember the user…if possible you can give some users id.also i lost the link indly post the link too.

Actually i follow only commodities that too in copper most of the time , here is the links

Successful experts ( Equity uncle , sk9, suryabhai,commodity.king,sanju99 ) these guys i personally follow and 95% they give Tgt hit calls and everything is freeeeeee.

Thanks for the link sir… :slight_smile:

Thank for the link sir. :-))

i’m following the similar strategy 5% profit daily… works very well