I know a few very good RT data feed providers for NFO (e,g. GFDL, NEO etc), but can anyone suggest a good data feed for NIFTY SPOT?

When data quality is prime importance, for the Indian retail trader, best option is eSignal(costly) considering it supported by almost all charting platforms. Another option is qotecenter from Reuters (now MetaStock XENITH) but it supports metastock only.

GDFL is good only if you require 1 minute candle back fill, no tick data back fill

I think you don’t know how to do this. Well this traderji.com is a bull shit site. Even i have posted the same question and till now they haven’t answered. Before sending this link to me have you tried their method and have been successful in doing?

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I think Heckyl Technologies would provide the real-time data feed, which I believe is already available on Omnesys platform.


which trading plat form?

if it is amibroker then Nest2Ami profitional by aamadmisoftware is very low cost and the do  not provide any data it is only a link between nest and ami.

Happy trading day,


Daily close data is available from Google finance for free. 

Check out these articles -  # 1, # 2,  Google help documentation

Like this - 1min Spot Nifty

Edit 28Aug2014

If you have ZT / NEST / NOW, you can try these free utilities to provide tick by tick data. Github-AmiRTD Help