I need to know more about PI platform

hi i need to know about PI platform offered by Zerodha.
Q1- Is it free, or what is cost of it?
Q2- Does it support MACOS and Windows both?

Yes, pi is an alternate platform for kite desktop.
yes, it’s included if you are a client of zerodha. i would not say free as you already paid for the services. But, yes you don’t need to pay anything extra for using pi, other than brokerages.
currently, i run on windows.

And yes, pi crashes or hangs at crucial times. Zerodha needs to update.

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zerodha must invoke these hot keys in pi trading platform for speed trading.

i tried downloading it and got exe file which cannot work on mac, any alternative for mac user? though i use both windows and mac, i need mac compatible version as well…

there is no mac version as far as i know. and zerodha doesnt update pi that much. its like a step child.

saying so, i trade on pi and not kite. It’s just that people are gaga over kite too much.

Hi @sauragra,

I had the same issue installing Pi on my Mac. Zerodha doesn’t support Pi on Mac and there is no indications that they would do so any time in near future.

You can use alternate methods like Winehq explained in the article below but my suggestion is to get more comfortable with Kite as that is where most of Zerodha’s development effort seemingly directed towards. Else, you can use a Windows PC :slight_smile:
