I placed a stop loss order which got executed, but I don't see my stop loss price on any charts be it on NEST, NSE, Amibroker or any other chart?

Okay, I understand this part. But does this mean the highs and lows of a candle might not have captured the entire price movement during that candle’s duration?

Exactly my question too. The reported HIGH of the Candle at which the trade was triggered is BELOW the price point where it was triggered. 1562 was the trade price and the HIGH is reported as 1561.90 (TradingView and others, and 1561.50 (Zerdoha Kite).

This is HDFCBANK on 2021.03.10 (today) at 12:00 on 1min Candle.

@siva-reddy @ShubhS9

When I place a stop loss order,

  1. is the order in Zerodha servers until triggered or is it with the exchange?
  2. Can stop loss orders be seen if someone has access to tick by tick data?

With the exchange (Refer to this thread - Mechanism of Stop Loss - #2 by siva)

This is not possible as Stop loss order book is not exposed to even subscribers of tick by tick data (Refer to these threads - Is it possible to target someone's stoploss? - #2 by siva and Stop loss hunting - #22 by siva)


Thanks Nithin. The real issue is when we dont see Highs or Lows reported by Tradingview on the Ticks API on Kite. I run a nodejs API that streams all ticks from Ticker (Kite Ticker) to a persistent message bus (Kafka) and then logs it asynchronously. I am not into High Frequency trading but I do have a system that requires each tick. Even if the tick is processes say 10sec after it actually happened I am fine. Now with Kite Am I missed lows on EICHERMOT and MUTHOOTFIN on 13-Aug-2021. I have maintained a log of the ticks from Kite If your Kite team is willing to investigate that would be really great. I am a big fan of KITE and wouldnt want to migrate to anything else just because of an error that can be resolved

Not possible with us, other platforms also won’t captures all ticks directly but data vendors refill in case it is missed based on OHLC received from market depth.

Thanks Siva. just for my better understanding, doesn’t Zerodha receive every trade info from NSE. in real time. so if a trade happens at a certain price don’t you get tick ?

Just to be super clear am referring to each trade that happens on the exchange and not the OHLC of any time frame.

There can be hundreds or thousands of trades every second, we or anyone will get only 2,3 ticks per second, to receive all trades one should be at colocation, via internet that is not possible, leased line is required to send that much of data.

Hi Nithin,

Let us suppose a minute consists of “n” ticks.
Why can’t the highs & lows of all “n” ticks cumulatively can give the high & low of that specific minute & thus a error free chart and error free minute data?

Just wanted to understand what is the technical challenge in publishing the chart/minute data error free?

Check out my first response.

There could be tens of thousands of ticks in a minute on the exchange, but as a broker, we will only get a subset of those ticks from the exchange (approx 2 to 3 ticks a second). A broker can only plot charts from the ticks received, not the ticks at the exchange.

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