When you place an order to buy at a price higher than the market price, it will get bought at the market price.
So if you place an order to buy at 7630 when market is at 7635, your order will be pending and your order will get executed at a fixed price of 7630, even if market dips down.
If you place an order to buy at 7630 when the market is 7620, you get to buy it at the best buy price around 7620.
Trigger price 7630 when it touches or goes above it, your limit order will be placed at 7635 price, it is same as you placing an order manually when you see the computer screen at 7630.
What happens if you manually place a limit order with price 7635 when market is approximately at 7630? The same will happen here.
If price goes to 7631 or comes down to 7629 it doesnt matter, since you have already placed the order at 7635 price, any price below that will execute as per best available market price.
thanks for ur reply Nithin… let me rephrase my question. i use SL order type in Zerodha terminal to go long in nifty, i type 7635 in Price and 7630 in Tr.Price. CMP is say 7620. Then CMP goes to 7630.05 and immediately comes down. Incase I am trading a big size, my order will be filled only above 7630 or it can be filled even below 7630 after touching it?