If I sell my shares on Ex-Dividend date, am I eligible for dividend?

Am I eligible for dividend if I sell my shares on Ex-date? If I am eligible, then when will I receive this dividend?


Yes, you are eligible for dividend if you sell shares on the Ex-Dividend date. This is how - As of Record date, the shares should be present in your Demat account to be eligible for dividend. The Record date is the next trading day after the Ex-Dividend date. Since you’ve sold shares on Ex-Date and it takes 2 days for the shares to debit from you Demat, the shares will still be available with Zerodha on the Record date. So you’re eligible for dividend.

When you sell shares on T day, it moves to Zerodha’s pool account on T+1 day. If T day is the ex-date and T+1 is the record date, then as of Record date your shares are in Zerodha’s pool account and this is how it is recorded by the company. As a result, whenever the dividend is processed, it is credited to Zerodha’s bank account. We reconcile all these dividend amounts received to our account on a weekly basis and credit it to the respective client accounts.

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