Interest payment dates for all the Sovereign Gold Bonds by the government. The interest is paid semi-annually and is credited directly to your primary bank account within 15 days from the date of interest payment.
Symbol NSE | Symbol BSE | Interest per annum | Interest payment dates | Maturity Date | Issue price |
SGBMAR24 | SGB2016II | 2.75% | 29th March and September | 29-Mar-24 | 2916 |
SGBAUG24 | SGBAUG24 | 2.75% | 5th August and February | 05-Aug-24 | 3119 |
SGBSEP24 | SGB2016IIA | 2.75% | 30th September and March | 30-Sep-24 | 3150 |
SGBNOV24 | SGB2016IIIA | 2.50% | 17th November and May | 17-Nov-24 | 3007 |
SGBMAR25 | SGB2016IV | 2.50% | 17th March and September | 17-Mar-25 | 2943 |
SGBMAY25 | SGBMAY25 | 2.50% | 12th May and November | 12-May-25 | 2951 |
SGBJUL25 | SGBJUL25 | 2.50% | 28th July and January | 28-Jul-25 | 2830 |
SGBOCT25 | SGBOCT25A | 2.50% | 16th October and April | 16-Oct-25 | 2956 |
SGBOCT25IV | SGBOCT25 | 2.50% | 23rd October and April | 23-Oct-25 | 2987 |
SGBOCT25V | SGBOCT25B | 2.50% | 30th October and April | 30-Oct-25 | 2971 |
SGBNOV25VI | SGBNOV25 | 2.50% | 6th November and May | 06-Nov-25 | 2945 |
SGBNOV25 | SGBNOV25A | 2.50% | 13th November and May | 13-Nov-25 | 2934 |
SGBNOV258 | SGBNOV25B | 2.50% | 20th November and May | 20-Nov-25 | 2961 |
SGBNOV25IX | SGBNOV25C | 2.50% | 27th November and May | 27-Nov-25 | 2964 |
SGBDEC25 | SGBDEC25 | 2.50% | 4th December and June | 04-Dec-25 | 2961 |
SGBDEC25XI | SGBDEC25A | 2.50% | 11th December and June | 11-Dec-25 | 2952 |
SGBDEC2512 | SGBDEC25B | 2.50% | 18th December and June | 18-Dec-25 | 2890 |
SGBDEC2513 | SGBDEC25C | 2.50% | 26th December and June | 26-Dec-25 | 2866 |
SGBJAN26 | SGBJAN26 | 2.50% | 1st July and January | 01-Jul-26 | 2881 |
SGBMAY26 | SGBMAY26 | 2.50% | 4th May and November | 04-May-26 | 3114 |
SGBOCT26 | SGBOCT26 | 2.50% | 23rd October and April | 23-Oct-26 | 3146 |
SGBNOV26 | SGBNOV26 | 2.50% | 13th November and May | 13-Nov-26 | 3183 |
SGBDEC26 | SGBDEC26 | 2.50% | 1st January and July | 01-Jan-27 | 3119 |
SGBJAN27 | SGBJAN27 | 2.50% | 22nd January and July | 22-Jan-27 | 3214 |
SGBFEB27 | SGBFEC27 | 2.50% | 12th February and August | 12-Feb-27 | 3326 |
SGBJUN27 | SGBJUNE27 | 2.50% | 11th June and December | 11-Jun-27 | 3196 |
SGBJUL27 | SGBJULY27 | 2.50% | 16th July and January | 16-Jul-27 | 3443 |
SGBAUG27 | SGBAUG27 | 2.50% | 14th August and February | 14-Aug-27 | 3499 |
SGBSEP27 | SGBSEP27 | 2.50% | 17th September and March | 17-Sep-27 | 3890 |
SGBOCT27 | SGBOCT27 | 2.50% | 15th October and April | 15-Oct-27 | 3788 |
SGBOCT27VI | SGBOCT27A | 2.50% | 30th October and April | 30-Oct-27 | 3835 |
SGBDC27VII | SGBDEC27 | 2.50% | 10th December and June | 10-Dec-27 | 3795 |
SGBJ28VIII | SGBJAN28 | 2.50% | 21st January and July | 21-Jan-28 | 4016 |
SGBFEB28IX | SGBFEB28 | 2.50% | 11th February and August | 11-Feb-28 | 4070 |
SGBMAR28X | SGBMAY28 | 2.50% | 11th March and September | 11-Mar-28 | 4260 |
SGBAPR28I | SGBMAR28 | 2.50% | 28th April and August | April 28, 2028 | 4639 |
SGBMAY28 | SGBAPR28 | 2.50% | 19th May and November | 19-May-28 | 4590 |
SGBJUN28 | SGBMAY28 | 2.50% | 16th June and December | 16-Jun-28 | 4677 |
SGBJUL28IV | SGBJUN28 | 2.50% | 14th July and January | 14-Jul-28 | 4852 |
SGBAUG28V | SGBJULY28 | 2.50% | 11th August and February | 11-Aug-28 | 5334 |
SGBSEP28VI | SGBAUG28 | 2.50% | 8th September and March | 08-Sep-28 | 5117 |
SGBOC28VII | SGBSEP28 | 2.50% | 20th October and April | 20-Oct-28 | 5051 |
SGBN28VIII | SGBOCT28 | 2.50% | 18th November and May | 18-Nov-28 | 5177 |
SGBJAN29IX | SGBNOV28 | 2.50% | 5th January and July | 05-Jan-29 | 5000 |
SGBJAN29X | SGBJAN29 | 2.50% | 19th January and July | 19-Jan-29 | 5104 |
SGBFEB29XI | SGBJAN29A | 2.50% | 9th February and August | 09-Feb-29 | 4912 |
SGBMR29XII | SGBFEB29 | 2.50% | 9th March and September | 09-Mar-29 | 4662 |
SGBMAY29I | SGBMAR29 | 2.50% | 25th May and November | 25-May-29 | 4777 |
SGBJUN29II | SGBMAY29 | 2.50% | 1st June and December | 01-Jun-29 | 4842 |
SGBJU29III | SGBJUNE29A | 2.50% | 8th June and December | 08-Jun-29 | 4889 |
SGBJUL29IV | SGBJUN29B | 2.50% | 20th July and January | 20-Jul-29 | 4807 |
SGBAUG29V | SGBAUG29 | 2.50% | 17th August and February | 17-Aug-29 | 4790 |
SGBSEP29VI | SGBSEP29 | 2.50% | 7th September and March | 07-Sep-29 | 4732 |
SGBNV29VII | SGBNOV29 | 2.50% | 2nd November and May | 02-Nov-29 | 4761 |
SGBD29VIII | SGBDEC90 | 2.50% | 7th December and June | 07-Dec-29 | 4791 |
SGBJAN30IX | SGBJAN30 | 2.50% | 18th January and July | 18-Jan-30 | 4786 |
SGBMAR30X | SGBMARCH30 | 2.50% | 8th March and September | 08-Mar-30 | 5109 |
SGBJUN30 | SGBJUNE30 | 2.50% | 28th June and December | 28-Jun-30 | 5091 |
SGBAUG30 | SGBAUG30 | 2.50% | 30th August and February | 30-Aug-30 | 5197 |
SGBDE30III | SGBDEC30 | 2.50% | 27th December and June | 27-Dec-30 | 5409 |
SGBMAR31 | SGBMAR31 | 2.50% | 14th September and March | 14-Mar-31 | 5611 |
SGBJUN31I | SGBJUNE31 | 2.50% | 27th June and December | 27-Jun-2031 | 5,926 |
SGBSEP31II | SGBSEP31 | 2.50% | 20th September and March | 20-Sep-2031 | 5923 |
SGBDE31III | SGBDEC31 | 2.50% | 28th December and June | 28-Dec-2031 | 6,199 |
SGBFEB32IV | SGBFEB32 | 2.50% | 21st February and August | 21-Feb-2032 | 6,263 |
The issuance calendar for upcoming issues of SGBs is available here. You can invest in the fresh issue of SGBs whenever open on Coin.