Interest payment dates for Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs)

Interest payment dates for all the Sovereign Gold Bonds by the government. The interest is paid semi-annually and is credited directly to your primary bank account within 15 days from the date of interest payment.

Symbol NSE Symbol BSE Interest per annum Interest payment dates Maturity Date Issue price
SGBMAR24 SGB2016II 2.75% 29th March and September 29-Mar-24 2916
SGBAUG24 SGBAUG24 2.75% 5th August and February 05-Aug-24 3119
SGBSEP24 SGB2016IIA 2.75% 30th September and March 30-Sep-24 3150
SGBNOV24 SGB2016IIIA 2.50% 17th November and May 17-Nov-24 3007
SGBMAR25 SGB2016IV 2.50% 17th March and September 17-Mar-25 2943
SGBMAY25 SGBMAY25 2.50% 12th May and November 12-May-25 2951
SGBJUL25 SGBJUL25 2.50% 28th July and January 28-Jul-25 2830
SGBOCT25 SGBOCT25A 2.50% 16th October and April 16-Oct-25 2956
SGBOCT25IV SGBOCT25 2.50% 23rd October and April 23-Oct-25 2987
SGBOCT25V SGBOCT25B 2.50% 30th October and April 30-Oct-25 2971
SGBNOV25VI SGBNOV25 2.50% 6th November and May 06-Nov-25 2945
SGBNOV25 SGBNOV25A 2.50% 13th November and May 13-Nov-25 2934
SGBNOV258 SGBNOV25B 2.50% 20th November and May 20-Nov-25 2961
SGBNOV25IX SGBNOV25C 2.50% 27th November and May 27-Nov-25 2964
SGBDEC25 SGBDEC25 2.50% 4th December and June 04-Dec-25 2961
SGBDEC25XI SGBDEC25A 2.50% 11th December and June 11-Dec-25 2952
SGBDEC2512 SGBDEC25B 2.50% 18th December and June 18-Dec-25 2890
SGBDEC2513 SGBDEC25C 2.50% 26th December and June 26-Dec-25 2866
SGBJAN26 SGBJAN26 2.50% 1st July and January 01-Jul-26 2881
SGBMAY26 SGBMAY26 2.50% 4th May and November 04-May-26 3114
SGBOCT26 SGBOCT26 2.50% 23rd October and April 23-Oct-26 3146
SGBNOV26 SGBNOV26 2.50% 13th November and May 13-Nov-26 3183
SGBDEC26 SGBDEC26 2.50% 1st January and July 01-Jan-27 3119
SGBJAN27 SGBJAN27 2.50% 22nd January and July 22-Jan-27 3214
SGBFEB27 SGBFEC27 2.50% 12th February and August 12-Feb-27 3326
SGBJUN27 SGBJUNE27 2.50% 11th June and December 11-Jun-27 3196
SGBJUL27 SGBJULY27 2.50% 16th July and January 16-Jul-27 3443
SGBAUG27 SGBAUG27 2.50% 14th August and February 14-Aug-27 3499
SGBSEP27 SGBSEP27 2.50% 17th September and March 17-Sep-27 3890
SGBOCT27 SGBOCT27 2.50% 15th October and April 15-Oct-27 3788
SGBOCT27VI SGBOCT27A 2.50% 30th October and April 30-Oct-27 3835
SGBDC27VII SGBDEC27 2.50% 10th December and June 10-Dec-27 3795
SGBJ28VIII SGBJAN28 2.50% 21st January and July 21-Jan-28 4016
SGBFEB28IX SGBFEB28 2.50% 11th February and August 11-Feb-28 4070
SGBMAR28X SGBMAY28 2.50% 11th March and September 11-Mar-28 4260
SGBAPR28I SGBMAR28 2.50% 28th April and August April 28, 2028 4639
SGBMAY28 SGBAPR28 2.50% 19th May and November 19-May-28 4590
SGBJUN28 SGBMAY28 2.50% 16th June and December 16-Jun-28 4677
SGBJUL28IV SGBJUN28 2.50% 14th July and January 14-Jul-28 4852
SGBAUG28V SGBJULY28 2.50% 11th August and February 11-Aug-28 5334
SGBSEP28VI SGBAUG28 2.50% 8th September and March 08-Sep-28 5117
SGBOC28VII SGBSEP28 2.50% 20th October and April 20-Oct-28 5051
SGBN28VIII SGBOCT28 2.50% 18th November and May 18-Nov-28 5177
SGBJAN29IX SGBNOV28 2.50% 5th January and July 05-Jan-29 5000
SGBJAN29X SGBJAN29 2.50% 19th January and July 19-Jan-29 5104
SGBFEB29XI SGBJAN29A 2.50% 9th February and August 09-Feb-29 4912
SGBMR29XII SGBFEB29 2.50% 9th March and September 09-Mar-29 4662
SGBMAY29I SGBMAR29 2.50% 25th May and November 25-May-29 4777
SGBJUN29II SGBMAY29 2.50% 1st June and December 01-Jun-29 4842
SGBJU29III SGBJUNE29A 2.50% 8th June and December 08-Jun-29 4889
SGBJUL29IV SGBJUN29B 2.50% 20th July and January 20-Jul-29 4807
SGBAUG29V SGBAUG29 2.50% 17th August and February 17-Aug-29 4790
SGBSEP29VI SGBSEP29 2.50% 7th September and March 07-Sep-29 4732
SGBNV29VII SGBNOV29 2.50% 2nd November and May 02-Nov-29 4761
SGBD29VIII SGBDEC90 2.50% 7th December and June 07-Dec-29 4791
SGBJAN30IX SGBJAN30 2.50% 18th January and July 18-Jan-30 4786
SGBMAR30X SGBMARCH30 2.50% 8th March and September 08-Mar-30 5109
SGBJUN30 SGBJUNE30 2.50% 28th June and December 28-Jun-30 5091
SGBAUG30 SGBAUG30 2.50% 30th August and February 30-Aug-30 5197
SGBDE30III SGBDEC30 2.50% 27th December and June 27-Dec-30 5409
SGBMAR31 SGBMAR31 2.50% 14th September and March 14-Mar-31 5611
SGBJUN31I SGBJUNE31 2.50% 27th June and December 27-Jun-2031 5,926
SGBSEP31II SGBSEP31 2.50% 20th September and March 20-Sep-2031 5923
SGBDE31III SGBDEC31 2.50% 28th December and June 28-Dec-2031 6,199
SGBFEB32IV SGBFEB32 2.50% 21st February and August 21-Feb-2032 6,263

The issuance calendar for upcoming issues of SGBs is available here. You can invest in the fresh issue of SGBs whenever open on Coin.


Just a suggestion.

It would be better if you could add one more column for issue price. Interest is calculated on this price. May not make a lot of difference though.

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Will look into this. Thanks, Jason.

Just a question, If SGB is traded and held in Demat in Zerodha, will interest be paid for the held amount or only for fresh issue?

You are eligible to get interest even if you buy SGB from the secondary market.

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typo on SGBJAN30IX. BSE code is written as DGBJAN30

Ah, fixed. Thanks for pointing out.

another correction SGBMAR31IV is the NSE symbol for SGBMAR31

noticing these since I am using this data somewhere else, thanks for the data.

You can also fix date for SGBAPR28I to same format as others (28/04/2028), just pointing it out