Interoperability of bse nse ....what if buy on nse and sell on bse same day?

if i buy X share (non T and Z group ) at BSE and sell the same at NSE or vice versa , will it be a intra day transaction or delivery transaction , with Demat charges applicable ? assuming i hold shares in demat from earlier transaction . @ShubhS9

Your obligation will be netted-off across exchanges, and this will be considered as intraday transaction, DP charges won’t be applicable in this case. You can learn more about Interoperability here: Everything you need to know about interoperability

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Good knowledge …nice cooperative ,cool attitude. APPRECIATED .

WHY INTEROPERABILITY to the client WAS NOT THE CHOICE ON 24 February 2021 during NSE out of trade because of some issues ?



What are the different answers? for eod there is interoperability but as of now not there for intraday so we could able to do it on 24th feb.