Introducing Privacy Mode on Kite web

This seems a bit useless if it hides everything. At that point, just don’t open kite.

I think if you show only gain % but not the absolute numbers, that would be a great privacy mode. I like to compare gains with my friends but don’t want to show them the amount of money I have invested. Usually I end up taking a screenshot and blackout the money part. Leave the % gains unhidden on privacy mode.


Same. I would like that for trading and positions page. Instead of showing absolute value, show % value calculated according to that days opening margin. This will even help me stay in profitable trades for longer.

This is noted, and we will get it addressed.

This might not completely provide privacy.

For instance, if someone’s overall investment is at a 90% loss, they may not want to show this even with privacy mode on. In this situation, even though the amount invested is hidden, the percentage change still reveals some meaningful information.

Thank you for providing your feedback. It appears to be somewhat subjective, but we will discuss it.

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Yep, hiding everything is pointless

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Bro if you don’t want to see anything, then just don’t open the app.

Also if your investment is 90% down, then maybe it does need attention.

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Maybe this can :point_down:solve the disagreements… won’t it ?

U can hide everything, but with a reveal icon, ppl can choose to reveal parts of their portfolio (like the % gain), if they choose to, without compromising on the privacy aspect. As the reveal would be a voluntary act.

This can be the middle ground, which can satisfy all.

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To put it to rest, Zerodha’s Privacy Mode is just a copy of Dhan’s Privacy Mode button which is :eye:

Dhan introduced it about 18 months back and it has been a very handy feature ever since. Except for the fact that Dhan also hides the client ID on the top right and you can choose your custom name and profile picture.

IMO, Dhan is implementing these features better than the rest of the industry.

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Totally agree we can see zerodha not doing any type of innovation they are trying to copy other platforms and catch up by giving similar type of feature, other hand dhan give to much inovation started setting benchmark in product development and zerodha huge team only waiting for glitch. When glitch comes their huge team come from their sleep to give explainstion :sweat_smile: @nithin @Arockiya_Raja @siva


Zerodha big team they have to much profit by clients and then also not able to provide a basic option chain feature in last 6 months so the what’s is the zerodha capacity is we can see :grinning: if not able to provide basic thing to integrate then I don’t think they will give TFC by next year’s end. , @Arockiya_Raja @siva @nithin

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We understand that some features have taken longer to release due to various challenges. Rest assured, we are committed to rolling out these mentioned features as soon as possible. For a detailed overview of the changes we’ve made in the last two quarters, please check our recent posts.

Wouldn’t this add too many icons to the screen and make it cluttered? We will evaluate this based on the number of users using the feature and feedback. Thanks for your feedback.

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Need other’s attention?

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Yeah, assuming we are giving the reveal option for each hidden value.

For now, as a trial, since most seem to want to reveal the % gains, we can just add a reveal icon for that.

Since the invested amount is not revealed, showing the % gains will not reveal the size of the portfolio, but only it’s performance.

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I would love it if I could see my percent gain/loss in the positions tab instead of absolute value. As my capital has grown to 35L+, the absolute number causes me to deviate from the system and take wrong decisions. If most things were hidden and I could only see the MTM as percentage gain/loss, it would be helpful.

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