Introducing Privacy Mode on Kite web

We have introduced a new feature called Privacy Mode. This feature allows clients to conceal the details of their portfolios and funds to maintain privacy. Once activated, Privacy Mode hides the actual values of investments, the average price, and funds, ensuring confidentiality in public settings or while sharing screens. Only the Latest Traded Price (LTP) will be visible in the holdings and positions pages.

To enable Privacy Mode, click on the Client ID located on the right side and select the Privacy Mode option.

Please note that the My Profile option has been replaced with Privacy Mode in the dropdown menu. Clients can now visit their profile by clicking on their account name, and a blue arrow has been added to indicate this change.

Currently, this feature is available only on the Kite Web platform.

If you have any feedback, do share with us in the comments.


How about a selective reveal feature ?

Maybe you could consider adding an :eye: icon next to each hidden value, so that ppl can selectively choose to reveal some part of their portfolio.

Like i can choose to reveal only the invested value or the P/L % by clicking on the reveal button.

I know that this reveal feature may seem to defeat the purpose of privacy, but having the ability to reveal only parts of the portfolio while still maintaining privacy seems interesting.

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Agreed that the “Privacy Mode” is primarily designed to conceal sensitive data in specific scenarios to protect your information from others.

I would assume that this applies only when someone can’t access my device, if they can access my device, they can very well disable the privacy mode and view my portfolio.

So adding an optional reveal feature, would still meet the purpose of privacy, as only I get to choose what i reveal and still maintain privacy, as not everything is revealed.

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Really cool update. Thanks!

The Privacy Mode option is very useful feature however, it should be more readily accessible(For example via a Keyboard shortcut, preferably with a single button).

The rationale behind this is that, assuming I am the user, I would like to see all the values when I am alone or when I am the only intended person. However, suddenly if an unintended guest approaches me, then activating the Privacy mode from the Menu definitely take much more time than activating it by a press of keyboard button.

I request Zerodha team to provide this feature via a keyboard shortcut. This would be much more accessible and useful in my opinion.


Rather than building such new features that very very few users would use on a day to day basis it would be much more helpful to first use the Development team’s bandwidth for fixing the existing bugs/issues… There are major issues in Console’s auto tagging feature for which I raised ticket almost 3 months back and I am 100% sure it impacts lot of users but that still hasn’t been fixed… Pls prioritize fixing known issues first :unamused:


Make sense, noted as feedback.


Hide the client id when privacy mode is enabled on app. Client id of users is visible in screenshots posted on social media.

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Finally, i had asked for this feature since a long long time here

now please bring audio price alert notifications like tradingview has

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@siva can we add amount invested in positions tab along with quantity.

Positions page or holdings?

Positions page. In Holdings we already have the amount invested. Actually what happens sometimes we buy some shares ( from a swing trader point of view) and then forget the exact amount invested before the EOD.

ahh, not possible there , as few may sell in cnc, use MIS, fno and mcx contracts also sits in positions page, if you are only equity trader then you can check on margin used column in funds page.

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please enable this on app as well

We will, in coming weeks.

Suggestion. @siva @Arockiya_Raja

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Not sure, can you give a reason?

Hi @Arockiya_Raja there is an issue when opening analytics option from kite android app.

  1. Click portfolio tab and open analytics which opens console holdings page in web app inside kite
  2. Now if you open any option like “View dividends”, there is an x button to close it and return to holdings page which is expected
  3. But if you open “View breakdown” there is no x button on top right so going back is closing the console and returning to app… After viewing the breakdown it’s not possible to return to holdings page.

Hi @siva
Hide the client id on the last tab in app where it’s visible always…
Opening the Account tab on app anyway shows the client id so atleast hide when privacy mode is enabled as Client id is part of login details… The feature name says privacy mode :grinning:

Even in zerodha support page you guys are hiding/blurring the client id when showing the mobile app so it means it should not be visible to others :grinning:

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