IPO Payment Remark after Bid Modification: Application Number Already Exists

Hello @Zerodha-Staff ,

After I modified my existing bid on Kite, it changed the payment remark to “Application Number Already Exists”. Does it suggest, my bid will not be considered?

Hi @Shiv_Katira ,

If the amount is blocked in your account matching the application number, the bid will be considered valid

If the amount is not blocked, you can place a new bid after deleting the old application.

Thank you @Meher_Smaran
Actually, First I placed 1- HNI BID and 2- Retail Bid in the same application mistakenly. Amount was blocked for HNI bid. Then I modified the 2 bids in the same application. Now the payment remark has changed to “Application already exists”.

PS. I am using all the 3 bid options given in the same application. I am not adding new application. I am modifying the existing application.

You can either bid as HNI or retail they are both part of individual investor category. So, the amount for which the application is blocked will be considered the bid amount.