Iran and Israel's major conflict

Tensions are rising up in the Middle-East to an extent not seen in decades as Iran striked Israel with multiple missiles and drones of various speed and potency and further escalating the already tensed atmosphere in the Middle-East

At this point, it would just be lip service on our part to talk about peace as the fact is that nobody cares about common people. For most of the power hungry leaders across the globe, there’s no value of human life especially in the war torn regions.

All we can do is just pray for the well-being of civilians across the region.

While the war is happening in the Middle-East, the tremors will be felt across the globe.

The economic ramifications are huge starting from oil and eventually affecting everything.

The strait of hormuz basically handles 20% + of global oil including LNG. Any attempt to halt shipments here would have serious consequences.

While I’ve just stated the obvious here in this post

Please do check out this beautiful piece by @Bhuvan on things related to global shipping and the halchal happening there from last few years.


Thankfully no loss of lives.

According to Iran

The ‘matter’ can be deemed concluded.

Hope Israel feels the same :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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